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À propos de moi

I’m Slow Motion, a dedicated Brawlhalla streamer, commentator, and tournament organizer. I’m celebrated for my engaging Bearded Brawls series, where I create a vibrant, welcoming community with unique segments like 'Beer and Brawl.' My expert commentary is featured in top Brawlhalla tournaments, earning me wide recognition. Now a Twitch partner, I continue to provide exciting gameplay, community engagement, and great vibes. Join me for thrilling matches and fun interactions
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Contact Me
I’m Slow Motion, a dedicated Brawlhalla streamer, commentator, and tournament organizer. I’m celebrated for my engaging Bearded Brawls series, where I create a vibrant, welcoming community with unique segments like 'Beer and Brawl.' My expert commentary is featured in top Brawlhalla tournaments, earning me wide recognition. Now a Twitch partner, I continue to provide exciting gameplay, community engagement, and great vibes. Join me for thrilling matches and fun interactions
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